Saying NO
"Well, maybe.” “I don’t know.” “Hmmmmmm.” “I have to think about it.” “It might be possible under the right circumstances.” “It might work.” Sometimes we just want to say no, but often times we say yes anyway.
Dear Sisters and Brothers
Aren’t we all familiar with these kind of situations in our life? Throughout many parts of Europe, the first weekend in October is dedicated to celebrating the harvest. We celebrate the rewards of the fields and the work of the hands which help to produce such an abundance of food. This weekend we did this with the First Communion children of our German speaking parish, Gut Hirt. I asked the children if they have chores which they do at home, if they contribute to the functioning of their family home. The children were very direct and straight forward with their responses. All of them have at least one chore they have to do, even though they might be reluctant to do it. Children and young people seem to have an easier time of expressing themselves and their opinions.
The Gospel of Matthew
In the parable from today’s Gospel text (Mt 21:28-32) Jesus speaks of such an everyday experience. A man gives his two sons a job to do. He asked them to go out and work in the vineyard. He did not say for how long they should work or even what they are to do. It’s not really important either, what is important is the unwavering direct response they give. When he told the first one to go out and work, the son responded with an outright, No! "I will not” he said. But he later changes his mind and does indeed go out.
The second one responds obediently, saying “yes, sir!” But he did not go do what his father had asked.
I appreciate these two very direct and opposite answers, especially since early on in Matthew’s Gospel, Chapter 5 (Jesus teaches about Oaths), he says, “Let your ‘Yes’ mean ‘Yes’ and your ‘No’ mean ‘No’. Anything more is from the evil one.” It is important to be able to say no. This is an essential lesson for children and to teach children. Most especially when it comes to being exploited to the selfish purpose or gratification of another. It is an important lesson for all of us.
Saying NO!
We must consciously strength our ability to say No, especially in everyday situations. But in today’s bible text, Jesus tries to focus on the second mindset, that of the one who said yes but did not go work. Sometimes, we are quick, almost too quick in our judgment of others or ourselves. There are times when we say something without thinking before we speak, without thinking about how it might be understood or perceived only to regret it later.
Sometimes our mouth is much faster than our thoughts, our brain.
Sometimes, we hesitate to do something because we feel we were bossed or forced in to doing it. We get a feeling that a part of our freedom is being taken away.
As children, we have to learn to obey – to obey means to follow a command, a desire or instructions. And it begins with listening. And for that we have ears–two of them in fact. Funny though, we have only one mouth with which to speak. Maybe we should think about why the Creator has sent us on our life’s journey with two ears and one mouth.
Listening – and obeying.
Paul's Letter
Saint Paul wrote about Jesus in one of the most poetic ways I know, it is in the wonderful Reading of his Letter to the Philippians (Phil 2:1-11). It is like a meditative reflection, a prayer that leads us deeper into the mystery of Jesus.
"Who, though he was in the form of God, did not regard equality with God something to be grasped. Rather, he emptied himself, taking the form of a slave, coming in human likeness; and found human appearance, he humbled himself, becoming obedient to the point of death - even death on a cross."
Jesus, as the Son of Almighty God, listens and gives up everything that identifies him in power and honor. He submits himself to the will of the Father – to save and heal what is lost.
Christ Jesus becomes one of us – a human being, to touch and make all that is human in us whole and beautiful again. It is about the divine will – which we must seek and fulfill. Perhaps we answer with a Yes the first time and then go our own way. Maybe we answer No the second time but then after reflecting the divine love takes over and we can turn ourselves around and get back on the right path of our journey. We realize that it is possible to turn around and walk the right path. If we allow ourselves the space and time for reflection, conversion is possible.
Being Called, Being Empowered
God calls us, He empowers me, He empowers us, to live a life of humility and joy, in order that we might grow as a community, strengthen each other in faith, hope, and love, and become rich in good deeds. We believe in God because He wants to give us so much and bless us abundantly. Every year, we celebrate the fruits of the harvest and our hard work. We celebrate the generosity of Creation, because God says Yes to us. And he didn’t stop there. He didn’t just say it, he did it, He stands by his word/His yes, sending us His Son, Jesus.
Jesus takes on the form of us, as a human, to restore everything in us with God. Jesus doesn't just talk about it – he does it – he journeyed to the cross and died there for us so that we may have life. That's why we trust God and he blesses us generously with the gifts of the earth. It's glorious – this sign of abundance.
Let us praise and worship Him, He who lives and works for us for all of eternity.
Praise be to Jesus Christ.