The Voice of My Faith
Spreading the message of Jesus should have no limitations. We go to Mass and read our Bibles. We pray and share our good fortunate with those who have less. In order to keep up our spiritual strength, we need to be able to refuel.
While Sunday Mass attendance is an obligations for Catholics, we realise that it is not always possible. We at Good Shepherd stream our Sunday evening Mass and make Fr. Kurt's homilies available here.
"The Voice of My Faith" is a visual and audio tanking station to bring you food for thought. It is here where you will find new (and sometimes used) homilies brought to you by Fr. Kurt.
We hope that you will find enrichment in the words and ideas that they bring.
You Bring Me Great Joy!
13th of JanuaryOn the Feast of Epiphany, which we celebrated last Sunday, we experienced the journey of three kings. In the nativity scene in our church in front of the altar, the three Wise Men are standing before the newborn King. But they didn’t start there. They traveled a long and challenging... -
Rise Up! Your Light Has Come!
5th of January“Rise up in splendor - your light has come. The glory of the Lord shines upon you!” These inspiring words from the prophet Isaiah opened our readings and they set the tone for today’s feast of Epiphany. Isaiah’s prophecy was written in a time of darkness for Israel. They offer... -
Celebrating the Holy Family
4th of JanuaryWhy did it all have to happen like this? Most of you are more than likely familiar with the questions of “why” or “why-moments.” They are those pivotal or reflective instances when we ask ourselves why something is happening. Why is this happening to me? Why did my child, my...
In the Beginning...
26th of DecemberIn the beginning was the Word, in it was life, and the life was the light of humanity—and the darkness did not overcome it! This highly theological introduction from the Gospel of John connects the living Word with the first moment of creation in the Book of Genesis: "In... -
Coincidence or Fate?
23rd of December“What a coincidence!” – this is a phrase familiar to all of us. An unexpected encounter, an unplanned coming together of fortunate, or unfortunate, events. On the other hand, as baptized and confirmed Christians, we hold a different conviction: “There are no coincidences in life!” Everything has its divine order... -
Faith Like Mary
8th of DecemberOn December 8th we celebrate the mystery of the Immaculate Conception of Mary. From the very first moment of her life, she was free from the power of selfishness. Mary was open and ready to receive God's work within her. Her life is an example of how God enables people... -
Long Live Our King
1st of DecemberOn Christ the King Sunday, we gather to profess a truth that echoes through the universe: Jesus Christ is King! Yet, as we reflect on this title, we might pause and ask, “Do we really need a king?” If yes, then "What kind of king is Jesus anyway?" When we... -
God Knows You, Therefore He Loves You
3rd of NovemberWhen we complete a project or reach the end of a year, we often like to summarize our experiences, insights, and what we find meaningful. Capturing, that, which we should use in the future. This reflection can serve as a foundation for future tasks. The scribes of ancient Judea probably... -
The Dynamics of Seeing and Hearing
1st of NovemberOne powerful memory I have from my childhood religious education is a drawing by Kees de Kort. The Dutch illustrator was, and still is, best known for his biblical illustrations used throughout various Christian communities. I can easily recall his rendition of this evening’s Gospel: The Blind Bartimaeus. He calls... -
Mutual Love
6th of OctoberIn the eyes of God, what does a person need in order to find their happiness, their purpose, and fulfilment? How do we find our calling? From the Book of Genesis, we learn the following: From the wild animals of the ground and various birds of the sky, God formed... -
The Work of Redemption
2nd of OctoberDear Brothers and Sisters, The biblical texts for the 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time are significant questions addressed to God. If the eternal God still wants to work for redemption today – who is responsible for that? If God aims to do good through people, like healing the sick and... -
The Path of True Greatness
23rd of SeptemberMy brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus, The Gospel for the 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Mark 9: 30-37) presents a powerful and challenging message. The disciples, as we often do, were caught up in the ways of the world. They were concerned about status, power, and who among them... -
God's Divine Plan
18th of SeptemberIn this evening’s Gospel (Mark 7: 31-37) for the 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time, we heard the story of the man who could not hear and he had a speech impediment. This healing story from Mark is more than a healing story, it invites us to reflect on our own... -
The Church of the Future
25th of AugustWhat kind of church do we envision for today? In what way can the church remain relevant and impactful? As a community of baptized Christians, what path should we take in order to move forward. How can we, as a community as followers of Christ Jesus make a meaningful commitment... -
Our Relationship with the Eucharist
12th of AugustDear friends Annual holidays and vacations are required by law and have become a standard part of our society. They are an important part of our work contract and an essential part of our children’s classroom schedule. Unfortunately, our vacations seem to be over all too quickly. For students and... -
First Comes Food
5th of AugustDear Sisters and Brothers in Christ Jesus! In last Sunday’s Gospel (John 6: 1-15), we heard the miracle of how Jesus fed over 5,000 people. The aspect of this miracle addresses the physical needs of people: hunger and thirst. Another significant aspect of this miracle lies in the small signs... -
Enough For Everyone
29th of JulyNo other "miracle" of Jesus appears in the Gospels as much as the story of the “The Feeding of 5,000.” It is the only miracle to be found in all four Gospels. It is so important that Matthew (Mt 14:13-21 & Mt 15:29-39) and Mark (Mk 6:30-43 & 8:1-10) report... -
The Old Things Have Passed Away
24th of JuneDear brothers and sisters, The Biblical accounts of miracles and healing are always challenging our modern worldview, and more importantly, our relationship with God. As we reflect on the Gospel (Mark 4:35-41) from the twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time, the miracle of Jesus calming the storm, let us consider a... -
The Awesome Power of God
10th of JuneHave you ever done something that made other people wonder if you had gone crazy? If so, you can probably understand what is going on in the Gospel for the 10th Sunday in Ordinary Time. Mark’s gospel is filled with the ups and downs and action of Jesus’ ministry. It’s... -
Living from God
6th of JuneThe readings for the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ are quite moving. The words from Mark’s Gospel are meant to be impactful. Friends, every day we experience words that can move us, touch us, motivate and support us that make us happy. But we also... -
Life Is A Gift
1st of AprilThe longing of mankind for life, freedom, justice, and security is as ancient and as new as humankind itself. There are moments when these truths confront us more intensely, as they have in the past few months and years. Jesus Our Hope When suffering and brutality and when disregard for... -
The Passion Told and Retold
25th of MarchMany people wonder why the Lord’s Passion is read on Palm Sunday every year. We also hear the Passion on Good Friday. Today, we heard the Passion according to Mark. Every Good Friday, we hear the Passion as told by John. It is a story we already know and it... -
The Dynamics of God
13th of MarchFateful metaphors In his Gospel, Saint John uses impressive imagery to describe the dynamics of God’s relationship with humanity. He uses significant metaphors of Light and dark, condemnation and salvation, living a lie or living the truth; living a faith-based life or living with disbelief and death. He writes more... -
Jesus Cleans House
4th of MarchWe are just about half way through the season of Lent. I think, this is a very good time to take a moment to stop and reflect on the past three weeks. Let us ask ourselves: How have I approached this time? Has something changed in me or do I... -
Bearing witness to the Light
8th of FebruaryLight No other symbol holds as much significance in religion as light. During the dark time of the Christmas Season, the symbol of light takes on an essential meaning. Jesus is the light in our shadow of darkness. We need symbols. In religion, they are signs that create a deep... -
Celibacy versus Marriage
28th of JanuaryThose of you who are married, might find the reading from St. Paul (1 Cor 7:32-35) somewhat irritating. First of all, I am not interested in engaging in church politics, but as an unmarried man I would simply like to share my insights and personal perspective on the topic of... -
The Joy of Baptism
14th of JanuaryDear Friends I have three older brothers. When I was growing up - they were my heroes - they were my role models. Even today, I really look up to them. In my religious upbringing, my parents and especially my grandmother were most influential. They helped me to become familiar... -
God's Epiphany
8th of JanuaryDear friends of Christ, Our Readings for The Epiphany of the Lord are filled with a lot of contrasts: darkness and light, searching and finding, the magi Gentiles from the east versus the conniving Herod and the Jews of Jerusalem. An Epiphany! The Christmas tide slowly ends with the feasts... -
Holy People
1st of JanuaryWhat can we learn from the Holy Family? It might be helpful to begin by taking a closer look at the word HOLY. Holy people might have qualities which somehow set them apart from ordinary people, a sense of being somewhat removed from the world. Let us reexamine the concept...
Our Hope, Light, Life and Love
26th of DecemberGood morning dear friends and again Merry Christmas! Wouldn’t it be easier and safer to hear the familiar stories of Jesus’ birth and his childhood as told in the Gospels of Luke and Matthew? The Gospels for Christmas Matthew's Gospel emphasises the royal lineage of Jesus, tracing it from Abraham... -
Saying YES to Advent
10th of DecemberThe opening line of the First Reading from Isaiah on the Second Sunday of Advent is very moving: "Comfort, give comfort to MY people, says your God." These are heartwarming words that accompany us. Comfort. Comfort, words that support and encourage us as we navigate through life embracing all that... -
Yearning For More
4th of DecemberOn the First Sunday of Advent, we had the pleasure of welcoming Saint Nicholas the Bishop of Myra in our Church for the German speaking Community. The children greeted him with large and eager eyes. The anticipation of his visit was easy to see. Even I was excited to see... -
In The Shoes of Saint Paul
29th of OctoberOur world needs role models. Young adults need someone they can look up to, someone or persons who can influence them, encourage them and help shape them. We used to call them trendsetters, today, they are known as influencers. Cultural development is how a society’s culture changes and grows over... -
The Fruits of Our Joy
8th of OctoberJesus often uses the image of a wedding feast when he speaks of eternal life after death. At a wedding feast, one can feel the intoxicating joy and fullness of life. This is why the image of the vineyard is very suitable for people who are journeying to the most... -
Saying NO
2nd of October"Well, maybe.” “I don’t know.” “Hmmmmmm.” “I have to think about it.” “It might be possible under the right circumstances.” “It might work.” Sometimes we just want to say no, but often times we say yes anyway. Dear Sisters and Brothers Aren’t we all familiar with these kind of situations... -
Thanking the Faithful
24th of SeptemberHello Friends, It is not easy for me, to stand in front of the congregation, at this moment, as a representative of the Roman Catholic Church and preach. However, I do because I am a member of the Roman Catholic Church, a Christian Community, which I love, but at times... -
Addressing a Change in Our Behavior
10th of SeptemberDear Brothers and Sisters, I would like start my homily for the 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time with a very deep yet simple question: as individuals and as a community, what do we need in order to develop and progress? Do we even need development in areas like culture, economy... -
Who Do People Say I Am?
5th of SeptemberIf you recall last Sunday's Gospel reading (Matthew 16:13-20), you heard Jesus ask his friends, "Who do people say that the Son of Man is?" They responded with various answers: John the Baptist, Elijah, Jeremiah, or one of the prophets. Then Jesus asked them, "But who do you say that... -
Come To Me - I Will Give You Rest
9th of JulyThe words in today’s Gospel (Matthew 11:25-30) have a special meaning for schoolchildren and their parents, for families, and adults. This weekend marks the official start of the summer holidays. The anticipation that is felt at the beginning of this wonderful time of year is filled with joy and it... -
Whoever Does Not Take Up His Cross
2nd of JulyDear sisters and brothers, I struggled a bit in order to find an insightful and meaningful approach to our Gospel Reading (Mt. 10:37-42). Jesus’ words on discipleship are extreme, provocative and even shocking. They leave little room for interpretation and compromise. "Whoever loves father or mother more than me is... -
Do You Believe in God?
29th of JuneThis is a somewhat delicate question. It can evoke an awkward silence and a certain uncertainty. It’s a question that has the power to strike a nerve and touch the core of who we are as human beings. How we answer, can reveal the nature of our true spirit and... -
God Is With Us
11th of JuneCrisis is defined as “a condition of instability or danger, as in social, economic, political, or international affairs, leading to a decisive change.” A crisis can be like a stretch of time that is desolate and empty, when times become difficult. We have all experienced them in life. It can... -
I Love, Therefore I Am
4th of JuneDear Friends Today, we celebrate the complicated mysterious statement from God. We celebrate The Most Holy Trinity of God. We celebrate God in One. That sounds quite nice, however mathematically, it is quite a big challenge for us. Math Lesson I assume that in Mathematics you learned that the sum... -
Crossing The River
14th of May“If you want to cross the river, you must be willing to leave the shore”. We can find much wisdom, courage, and strength in these words: “If you want to cross the river, you must be willing to leave the shore.” In this quote lies the image of the river... -
Living Stones
7th of MayDear Friends Hiking is a great way to relax. The sight of the rugged mountain ranges never fail to amaze me. Each individual mountain has a different shape and contour. Every mountain is unique, and yet together they all form a single massif, one unit. Motionless and rigid, they stand... -
The Honest Shepherd
30th of AprilGood evening brothers and sisters, Can we trust the news which we read and hear to be real and true? How should we deal with the fast developing, self-created artificial intelligence? Who should we trust? Is Jesus the Good Shepherd or is he a wolf in sheep's clothing? Is God... -
The Power of Fear
12th of AprilDear Sisters and Brothers in Christ Jesus, the Crucified, the Risen One. The central focus of this greeting is addressed to what and to whom we celebrate today: Easter. Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the life – yesterday, today and for all eternity. Today, in His resurrection, we... -
Our Reconciliation Journey
26th of MarchThis past week, (March 20-26) students from both our German speaking and English-speaking communities embarked on a journey of Reconciliation. Reconciliation requires a certain amount of exercise. We can only reconcile when we become aware of the guilt (or wrong doings) we have towards another.These children examined and reflected on... -
The Key To Happiness
26th of MarchPeople have always been searching for the key to happiness in life. Countless numbers of non-fiction books discuss the various factors which are responsible for experiencing happiness, such as good health, authentic relationships, a positive attitude towards the future, satisfying work, self-affirmation, personal freedom, physical activity, the ability to enjoy... -
Transforming Together
6th of MarchSwitzerland is a nation of hikers, we like to hike and go for long walks. Recently, I was on the Weisshorn in Arosa, which is over 2,653 meters above sea level. With skis on my feet, I was enjoying the view. My attention was seized by the beauty of the... -
Resist Temptation
26th of FebruaryEvery year at the beginning of Lent, we hear the story of The Temptation of Jesus (Mt. 4:1-11). It is worthwhile to consider these three basic temptations. The devil starts with a deliberate provocation: "If you are the Son of God..." This is a blatant attack on the self-understanding of Jesus... -
Competition Stimulates Business
12th of February"Competition stimulates business!" This saying has great significance in today’s society which is filled with consumption and a sort of predatory competition. If someone has a competitor, they have to strive and consciously focus on their own strengths. Competition can be an incentive to grow and mature. Growing and Maturing Dear Christian... -
Becoming Light-Filled People
6th of FebruaryHave you ever had the experience that it gets brighter, warmer and more pleasant when certain people are around, when they approach the sick bed or simply call? A kind of soothing, something invisible, emanates from such people. Have you ever tried to compliment such a person for their radiance... -
TOGETHER: Powerful and Authentic
22nd of JanuaryOn the 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time, we hear excerpts from the pastoral letter of our Bishop, Felix Gmür of Basel. His letter is titled TOGETHER: powerful and authentic. / Gemeinsam kraftvoll und glaubwürdig. I ask you to carefully pay attention to his words and take them to heart. They... -
Blessing and Being Blessed
1st of JanuaryDear Sisters and Brothers I would like to focus my thoughts today on the most beautiful mission given to all of God's children. In our First Reading, (Numbers 6:22-27) we heard from the Book of Numbers how the sons of Aaron, the priests at the sanctuary, are commissioned by God to...
Purpose of God with Humankind
27th of DecemberHappy Christmas! Many teachers know that one of the most effective ways to teach a new concept or skill is to give students opportunities to practice using the concept or performing the skills. Of course, there are things that can be learned by reading, listening and observing. However, there are other... -
Gaudete in domino semper!
13th of DecemberGaudete Sunday The 3rd Sunday of Advent is dedicated to John the Baptist. His personality, his perseverance and convictions do not go unnoticed by the powerful of his time. John messed around with King Herod and they threw him in prison. Placed in the cold of a prison cell, John... -
From Dawn to Daylight
7th of DecemberThis morning, Good Shepherd celebrated its first Rorate Candlelight Mass at 6:30. The text from Matthew (Mt. 4,18-22) is one of the most loved of all Gospel passages. Jesus says... “Take my yoke upon you”. A yoke is a curved piece of wood that ties and links, two “draft” animals... -
Advent Says
27th of NovemberDear Sisters and Brothers We are all familiar with them - the countless number of Christmas markets in the villages and towns, which somehow call out to help get people in the mood for something. Yesterday afternoon, I went over to our neighbouring Parish, Saint John’s where a huge Advent...
The Power To Lead
23rd of JanuaryRepent – a word that makes many people uncomfortable. From the story of Jonah to John the Baptist to Jesus and then St. Paul, repent seems to activate hidden feelings of guilt, casting out Satan and a variety of sins and evil. Dear Brothers and Sisters If you stand guilty... -
God's Selfie
8th of January“Understanding Today’s Catholic Parish”, “Catholicism for Dummies”, “What is the Point of being a Christian” These are books that try to help people understand some of the basics of our faith. They have the answers to many questions, but there’s always a part of me that does not want to...
Technical Support - Christmas 2020
26th of DecemberThere are two great mysteries of human existence: life and death. At the end of the 20th century, another great mystery started to appear: computers and modern technology. Aside from know how to start it up or shut it down, I don’t know much about computers or any other fancy... -
Deflate and Repent
6th of DecemberOne summer we decided to drive to Paris. Because I have a large family, we rented an SUV. As we got to the garage of our apartment I saw the black and yellow sign saying “maximum 1.8 meters”. I had to wonder if my car would make it or if... -
27th of NovemberEarly in my ministry, I used to make regular visits to the hospital.Today, because of the laws surrounding privacy, I’m no longer allowed to visit a patient spontaneously. The patient has to ask for me. When I am asked, I visit people and offer them Communion and prayers or just... -
Living God's Gift
31st of OctoberJesus had the incredible ability to grab people’s attention and make them aware of something they hadn’t seen before. His ministry was about opening the hearts and minds of people yet he was often met by people who held onto things they weren't ready to let go of. They believed... -
Either - Or
16th of OctoberWe are often divided over what belongs to whom. Nations fight over borders, divorcing parents fight over the children, families fight over inheritance, kids fight over toys. And when two groups of people come together and plot against another, they can cause harm and even destroy lives. That’s what appears... -
The Art of Forgiving
30th of SeptemberAccording to the rabbinical tradition, forgiveness allows for three offences and the fourth offence calls for action, usually punishment. In our everyday life, how many of us are even that generous? Dear Friends The Gospel for the 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time opened with one of Peter’s straightforward questions: He... -
What I learned in Kindergarten
4th of SeptemberI live right here, next door to the Church. My apartment is surrounded by wonderful trees and vegetation – it’s a small oasis in the middle of a very busy neighborhood in Zug. The Baarerstrasse, the main street out there is very busy with both pedestrians and cars. But for... -
Getting The Point
7th of AugustOne of Jesus’ most famous miracles was The Walking on the Water. I once saw a cartoon showing Jesus standing on the water greeting Peter who is wearing a life preserver. The caption read: “Sometimes we just miss the point”. Jesus had taken one look at Peter and buried his... -
The Kingdom of Heaven
16th of JulyJesus never said things or did things exactly the way his listeners thought he should. Jesus compared the Kingdom of heaven to things we don’t expect. In our Gospel, Jesus uses parables to explain to his listeners that the Kingdom you search for is not at all what you think... -
The Super Hero's Fight
16th of JulyAs a young boy growing up in the 1960’s I loved reading comic books. Over ten years ago, some of my favorite comics came to incredible life on the big screen. These movies have been extremely popular and box office hits all over the world. Batman, Superman, Captain American, The... -
The Holy Trinity
5th of JuneEach time we make the sign of the cross, we say: “In the name of the Father, and the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.” We invoke the mystery of the most Holy Trinity: the Father is God, the Son is God, and the Holy Spirit is God. This, my... -
31st of MayWhen I was a little boy, we used to have a lot of fun collecting May Bugs (sometimes called doodle bugs). In the cool mornings, these big beetles couldn’t move so they were easy to catch. Once I got a May Bug in the palm of my hands I would... -
The Ascension of the Lord
21st of MayThis Sunday we celebrate the Ascension of The Lord. We have relived Jesus’ ministry during the past few months and now we are at the point where it comes to an end; Jesus ascends to the Father and his disciples begin the mission of the church. All of this takes... -
Sixth Sunday of Easter
16th of MayThe Season of Easter ends on Pentecost Sunday, which is two weeks away. Pentecost is that incredible moment when the disciples were gathered together and tongues of fire came and burned above their head. They were filled with the intoxicating awareness of God's presence and love, the Holy Spirit. Filled... -
Fifth Sunday of Easter
9th of MayWhen we want to make a journey by car to a place where we’ve never been before, we usually put the address into the Navigation System, hit “start guidance” and off we go. All we have to do is obey the instructions we hear. Eventually we hear the words ‘You... -
Fourth Sunday of Easter
6th of MayThroughout the New Testament, Jesus has been compared to a good shepherd and we are his sheep. In first century Judea most people had sheep so they understood this image and what it means to care for them. Sheep rely totally on their shepherd - they “hear” his voice and... -
Third Sunday of Easter
6th of MayTwo of Jesus’ disciples were walking north, seven kilometers away from Jerusalem. Jerusalem...a place where their hopes had been shattered. They were on their way to a village called Emmaus, which in Greek means City of victory. Feeling very defeated, these two disciples were in much need of consolation. Dear... -
Easter Sunday Resurrection of The Lord
6th of MayThe Easter Triduum began last Thursday with the Mass of the Lord’s Supper and it ends today, Easter Sunday. For these past three days we have reflected on the passion, death, burial and resurrection of Jesus. Dear friends, on Easter Sunday we have this wonderful reading from John. Jesus’ crucifixion... -
Good Friday
6th of MayOn this day, Christians all over the world commemorate Jesus’s crucifixion. We celebrate Good Friday. But is this really a day to celebrate? Dear friends In Jesus we have a person who is like no other human. We find someone who gives of himself to others in a way no... -
The Palm Sunday of Our Passion
6th of MayToday we enter into the most important week in the Church’s Liturgical calendar. Our liturgy is quite different than the rest of the Holy Week. Our texts are filled with contradiction: Palms waving in adoration followed by Jesus being bound, questioned and sentenced; a king and a convict; hosannas and... -
Easter Triduum
6th of MayDear friends, We are committed to guiding and walking with you on this spiritual journey through life. We want so much to celebrate the Sacraments with you, especially during this most wonderful time of year. However, like most all of you, we are shut in our homes and offices. Yet...