This Is My Body

The tree in this image was given as a gift by Pope John Paul II to sit in the cenacle, also known as the upper room. It is a room which sits atop Mount Zion just outside the Old City Walls of Jerusalem. This olive tree with three trunks symbolises the three religions. The vine and shaft of wheat represent the wine and bread eaten at the Last Supper. It is believed that it was in this very room where Jesus celebrated his last meal before he was crucified, thus instituting the Eucharist.
Shocking Study
A recent study revealed that a shocking 69% of Catholics do not believe in the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. For many Catholics, the Eucharist is merely a symbol of Christ and the Mass is a place where you go to remember his life.
Spiritual Disaster
Bishop and Evangelist Fr. Robert Barron answered this study by offering an illuminating text and analysis of the Eucharist as a sacred meal, sacrifice and Real Presence. It was written in order that reader will come to understand the sacrament of Jesus' Body and Blood more thoroughly.
A Call to Eucharist Revival
Good Shepherd has ordered some copies and they are available (in English) for a donation of CHF. 5.-
If you are interested in securing a copy, please contact Good Shepherd, either by E-Mail or see Fr. Kurt after Mass.