Altar Servers: Mini Workshops
Unique Service
Altar Server's hold a very special role in the ministry of the Mass. They play a close part in the preparation of the Eucharist. It is for this reason that boys and girls who are interested in this ministry are properly trained.
Learning By Doing
Throughout the year, we offer training programs, called "Workshops". In these Workshops, new and experienced Altar Servers learn new areas of ministry and share their experience with each other. They how to wear their robe, proper behaviour during the Mass, how to process into the Church and how to carry the torch. Next, they learn about the preparation of the gifts, and ringing the bells at the consecration.
Building Lasting Memories
Serving as an Altar Server is usually one of the first volunteer opportunities for a young Catholic. It teaches responsibility and the joy and satisfaction that comes from giving your time for the service of something greater.