From Hearing to Doing
The story of Jesus fills the Gospels. The Acts of the Apostles picks up the story of Jesus and shows its continuing force as the community of the Risen Christ moves out into the world. The message of Jesus and the Gospel was spread and widely accepted. As the apostles ventured into new territories, they sometimes met with challenges.
The Letters of The New Testament
St. Paul wrote to the early Christians addressing conflicts and offering encouragement in their faith. Then come the Epistles, the Catholic Letters. The word “catholic” means “universal” or “general”. It does not specifically refer to the Roman Catholic Church. The Catholic Letters are writings that are addressed to a wider audience or the Christian community as a whole. They are called “catholic” because their teachings offer guidance for everyone of Christian faith.
Ancient Inspiration for Today
The Second Reading for the 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time comes from the Letter of James. It is believed to be one of the earliest writings in the New Testament. It is a short letter and worth reading. James’s theme is: “Be doers of the word and not hearers only.” It calls us to go beyond simply listening; it challenges us to live out our beliefs and transform the words we hear into actions.
Living the Message
Faith is not only reading our Bible or being inspired by a sermon. It is about letting that inspiration shape our behavior so that we can go out and try to impact the world around us. Every day we have opportunities to practice kindness and show compassion. When we become doers of the Word, we become living examples of God’s love and truth, which can make a difference not only in our own lives but in the lives of others.