
Embracing Faith in the Digital Age

The Gospel for the 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time comes from John’s “Bread of Life Discourse”. It reveals Jesus’ role as the source of eternal life, urging us to come to him for spiritual nourishment. Jesus’ words were difficult for the Jews of his time to understand, and they remain challenging for many of us today. For this reason, I have decided to reflect on the Second Reading from St. Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians. His writings were directed not just to the community there, but to the worldwide church, both Jews and Gentiles.

Worship Music: Ancient and Modern

Paul urges them to speak to each other “in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs.” There is great value in traditional worship, but how can we express our faith in today’s digital world? I believe that Social Media has a lot of offer. Imagine the impact St. Paul could have had if he used Instagram to reach communities all around the world. Today, many priests and bishops use social media as platforms to spread their messages, share daily reflections, homilies and educational material. Music has the power to inspire because it can reach our emotions in a rhythmic way.

Message For Us Today

Listening to worship music through digital streaming services (free or paid) offers listeners a large variety of choices through their vast libraries. We can create a diverse and rich experience by integrating traditional worship practices with modern tools like digital media. Embracing these tools should not be limited to just the young Christians of today; it has the power to strengthen our connection with God and our faith, bringing them into our daily lives. Whichever way we choose to worship, our faith can be enriched when we allow it to touch every part of our life, whether offline or online.