The Lector at Mass

Serving at Mass is a great honor for many people. Since the reforms of the Second Vatican Council non-clerical lay persons have been involved in the liturgy. This can help not only to deepen the understanding of the Mass but also to strengthen our faith. By studying the scripture and proclaiming the Word of God, we become servants of the Living Word. Everyone is called to be the eyes, ears, hands and feet of Christ.
Notes regarding the Sign-up Sheet:
You can enter your available dates directly into this document.There is no need to “submit” your entry as the document saves automatically. It is best to do this from a PC as the mobile version does not work on all devices. If you have any questions, please contact Shannon Poltera or Reini Lo Cascio.
If you wish to serve as a lector (L) and a Eucharistic minister (C) please sign up in both slots.
For organizational reasons, it is helpful if you sign up well in advance.
Lector Responsibilities
Please come to the sacristy at least 20 minutes before Mass. You will participate in the procession into the church. The person who carries the lectionary walks on the right side of the processional. One lector is responsible for the First Reading and the Responsorial Psalm. The other one for the Second Reading, the Intercessory Prayer and the announcement of the collection.
When the first lector goes to the ambo, the second one gets up with him/her and stands at the side of the choir stalls. After the Responsorial Psalm, they meet halfway and bow together in the direction of the tabernacle. The first lector will then go back to his/her place and sit down.
When the second lector has finished his/her part of the Prayer of the Faithful, he/she turns towards the tabernacle/altar until the priest has concluded the prayer. Then he/she proceeds to announce the collection.
If needed, you may be asked to help with the collection. If possible, bring the baskets to the altar and place them underneath before the priest starts with the Eucharist Prayer.
Hospitality Ministers Responsibilities
Prepare the Glory & Praise books before Mass. Greet arriving people at the church door and hand out Glory & Praise books. Greet the assembly from the Ambo just after the church bells struck the hour and announce which Sunday of the church year is celebrated and where the readings can be found. Read out the announcement at the end of the Mass just before the priest says the concluding prayer. Put away the Glory & Praise books.
Communion Ministers Responsibilities
If you are a Eucharistic minister but not a lector, please come to the altar directly before the Our Father.
If you are serving Communion in the rear of the church, please remember that the front bench is for disabled persons. Please serve them first.
When returning the ciborium/paten to the altar, place it on the left side of the priest to enable him to put the other blessed hosts inside. Then bring both, ciborium and paten, back to the tabernacle, put them in and genuflect.
The Eucharistic minister with the ciborium serves communion to the choir after it has finished the song accompanying Communion. When finished, walk directly to the tabernacle (across floor in front of the altar) and place the ciborium in the tabernacle. Remember to genuflect before closing the doors.
Readings can be found by clicking the proper calendar day found on our Homepage or here:
Mass Schedule
Sunday Masses in English are at 6 p.m. in the Gut Hirt Church. Solemnities may be celebrated at other times and perhaps in other churches. If so, they will be announced separately.
The Mass on the 3rd Sunday of each month is organized by the Filipino Community. The contact person for the ministers at this mass is Belly Bucher.