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St. Andrew the Apostle: The Call to Follow

St. Andrew, one of Jesus’ first apostles, teaches us the beauty of humble, dedicated faith. His journey began with his own search for truth. He followed John the Baptist until he heard John proclaim Jesus as the “Lamb of God.” Without hesitation, Andrew went to Jesus and soon brought his brother Peter to meet Him. His Feast Day is November 30.

Bringing Others to Jesus

In the Gospels, Andrew often brings others to Jesus. For example, when a crowd needed food, Andrew brought a boy with five loaves and two fish to Jesus, trusting that even a small offering could be enough. Andrew’s actions remind us that God values our willingness to help, even in small ways.

A Life of Sacrifice

Tradition tells us that Andrew was martyred on an X-shaped cross, which has since become a symbol of his faith. Even in his final moments, Andrew welcomed his cross, seeing it as a means to draw closer to Jesus. His death reminds us that true discipleship asks for everything, but in giving all, we gain the fullness of life.

St. Andrew answered Jesus' call to follow him. How do we respond to Christ’s call? Do we follow with as much full commitment as Andrew did? Andrew brought his brother to meet Jesus. Do we bring others to encounter Jesus, recognising that a simple invitation can open someone’s heart to faith? Are we willing to offer our lives, even in small ways, for the greater purpose of sharing God’s love?

On November 30th, we celebrate St. Andrew’s feast day. Let us remember his quiet strength and enduring faith. Through his example, may we find the courage to follow Christ with our hearts open, our hands ready to serve, and our lives devoted to bringing others into His light.

St. Andrew, pray for us.