General information

Reflecting on an Evening of Memories

When Jesus told Peter, “You are Peter, and upon this rock, I will build my church” (Matthew 16:18) his vision might have been the forming of a spiritual community or movement of believers who would carry on his teachings. The focus was on people coming together in faith, and living out the values of the Kingdom of God.

Community Life

This spiritual community lives today especially in the many volunteers who generously give their time and energy. It was beautifully evident during our recent volunteer gala dinner on Saturday, September 7, 2024 which was dedicated to those who selflessly give their time, talents, and hearts to our parish.

Celebrating the Eucharist

We began the evening with a bilingual Mass, strengthening ourselves in faith and community. The Gospel reading was particularly fitting, Mark 7:31-37, which recalls the story of Jesus healing a man who was deaf and had a speech impediment.

In this passage, Jesus says, “Ephphatha,” which means “Be opened.” With these words, the man’s ears were opened, his speech was restored, and he could communicate fully once again. This miraculous healing reminds us of the transformative power of Christ's touch, but it also calls us to reflect on how we are called to "be open" in our own lives—open to the needs of others, open to serving our community, and open to God's grace working through us.

The Call to Serve

Our volunteers are a living example of this openness. They hear the call to serve and respond with open hearts, always ready to help wherever needed. Whether it’s assisting at Mass, organizing events, or reaching out to those in need, they represent the spirit of Christ’s love and compassion. Their service opens doors, touches lives, and strengthens the fabric of our parish family.

Gala Dinner

Mass was followed by a violet carpet entrance into the parish center, complete with photos at the V.I.P. Wall. The Apéro at the HirteBar was just enough to tickle our taste buds before Fr. Kurt officially opened the doors to the large Saal. Our eyes were treated to the elegantly decorated tables and the warm ambience. The teams of Good Shepherd and Gut Hirt took over the food preparation and service, putting together a lavish 5-course meal.


The evening was not just a celebration of what our volunteers do, but also of who they are—people who, like the man in the Gospel, have experienced God’s love and now share it freely with others. As we enjoyed a meal together, there was a sense of gratitude and fellowship, a reflection of the openness and love Christ calls us to, a powerful testament to the unity and faith that binds our community."