The Passion of Saint John the Baptist

On August 29, the Church remembers the martyrdom of St. John the Baptist, who died around A.D. 30.
The Bible Tells Us...
Biblical accounts report that John was the son of St. Elizabeth, and the nephew of Our Lady making him the cousin of Jesus. Although King Herod recognized John as a holy man and enjoyed listening to him, he did not follow his words. John's popularity was growing and he had a lot of influence over the people. This worried Herod. Instead of having him killed, he put him in prision.
The Gospels report that Herod imprisoned John because he condemned Herod’s actions: divorcing his wife and unlawfully marrying his brother’s wife. During a celebration for Herod’s birthday, his new wife’s daughter danced for the king and his guests. Her dance pleased Herod so much that, in his drunken condition, he promised to grant her anything she wanted, even up to half of his kingdom. When she consulted her mother, she was advised to ask for the head of John the Baptist on a platter. Though horrified by the request, Herod reluctantly agreed and ordered John’s execution. John was beheaded in prison, and his head was presented on a platter to Herod’s daughter.
Lessons From John the Baptist
St. John the Baptist spoke the truth and called for real repentance and obedience to God's ways. He not only preached his message, he lived it by being a living example, and by fasting in the desert, and preparing the way for Jesus. John's bravery in denouncing the immoral behaviors of his time ultimately led to his death.
Living the Message
John's lifestyle, as strange as it may have seemed, can be an inspiration for us. By embracing God's ways, seeking prayer in solitude, repenting and fasting, we can become a light for others. We can prepare the way to Jesus to enter and transform the lives of those around us.
Some of his inspiring words were those he said of his cousin Jesus that «He must increase; I must decrease» (John 3:30).This sentiment can be ours as well that we allow our Lord to work with and through us in our daily lives!
Prayer to St. John the Baptist
"O God, You raised up St. John the Baptist to prepare a perfect people for Christ. Fill Your people with the joy of possessing His grace, and direct the minds of all the faithful in the way of peace and salvation.
Grant that as St. John was martyred for truth and justice, so we may energetically profess our Faith in You, and lead others to the Way, the Truth, and Eternal Life."