
Today's Prophets

The work of a prophet is never easy. Most of them approach their calling with a certain reluctance in­stead of enthusiasm. It’s a ministry of speaking the truth and a burning desire that wants to bring truth to light. A prophet is called by God to speak the truth no matter what the cost, no matter how uncomfortable.

The Words of the Prophet

The First Reading for the Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time is from the prophet Amos (7:12-15). He had been thrown out of town because of the message he was asked by God to proclaim. Dismissed because he simply shared a vision from the Lord. The priest of Bethel, Amazi­ah, chased him away and Amos responded by saying, “I am not really a prophet. I’m just a shepherd.” An ordinary person, called by God to do something extra-ordinary. If you read the enti­re book of Amos you can see that his style is bl­unt, even to the point of being offensive.

God Calls Us

God calls us in different ways. Usually the ones who are called to do something extraordinary are the ones who least expect it and are the least pre­pared. We find a good example with Jesus and the calling of the disciples. They were not the most educated or prestigious. Jesus chose tax col­lectors and fishermen; simple people who he as­ked to do extraordinary things. We are called to serve others as if we were serving Him, and to use our gifts and abilities and to live a life of service, love, and kindness. We are also chosen, called by name, and needed by God to accomplish certain parts of his plan. The Bible is full of verses that re­mind us to be the hands and feet of God. Whether we help a neighbor in need, offer a kind word, a friendly smile or serve our local community, we can achieve extraordinary things with God’s help.