
Pointing To Jesus

John the Baptist must have been a truly remarkable figure. Dressed in camel hair and living on locusts and wild honey, he captured the attention of the people of his time. His powerful call to repentance drew crowds to the Jordan River. Perhaps we could call him an “Influencer” of his time, but John did not want glory for himself. He pointed to someone greater who was to come: Jesus.

John the Influencer

John’s humility was a big contrast to today’s culture of self-promotion. He could have enjoyed the attention and praise, but he chose to point them toward Jesus. What about us? Do we want recognition or do we share the credit with others? How often to we give the credit to God, the source of all our good works?

Longing for Somethng More

The people who came to John were tired of a world filled with injustice, and war. They longed for something better. Jesus’ baptism was a key moment in the story of salvation. It marked the beginning of Jesus’ public ministry, one that brings hope and renewal to a weary world. As Christmastime comes to an end, let us reflect on our role in the story of salvation and change. Like those who came to John, we are called to turn away from the selfishness that contributes to the brokenness of our world. Let us look to Jesus, who brings the lasting transformation we seek. Let us follow John's example by embracing humility and pointing to Jesus instead of to ourselves. Like the crowds at the Jordan, let us pray that we will respond to the call for renewal, and place our trust in Jesus, God’s beloved Son. In Him, we find the hope and promise of a renewed world.