
Our Paschal Mystery

The days leading up to Easter, called the Triduum, can be called the ultimate remembrance of the last days of Jesus’ earthly ministry. Holy Thursday is the official end of Lent as Jesus gave us his example of service to others. The liturgy ends in silence as we leave the church reflecting on the ultimate sacrifice, the giving of one’s life for the sake of others. This happens during times of war when soldiers risk and lose their lives for the sake of freedom or a cause they serve.

Holy Communion

When we think of the Last Supper we are reminded of Jesus giving us the Eucharist in the sharing of bread, which becomes the Body of Christ, and of wine, which becomes the Blood of Christ. The Gospel Reading for Holy Thursday (John 13:1-15) shows us the true meaning of his ministry: communion. The dictionary states that communion is «an act or instance of sharing». At the Last Supper Jesus takes communion one step farther by showing that sharing is a service to others. It is our sacrifice for one another.

A Rainbow of Hope

Friends, since the beginning of March we have been living under very special circumstances. Schools were closed on March 13th and four days later all public Masses were cancelled. Most places have closed and were advised to stay at home. It is a sacrifice, not just for our own health, but for the well-being of others. We miss our freedom and our friends. Closeness and touching has become very suspicious. Under sunny, clear blue skies lies a gloomy cloud of illness. But God places a rainbow in the sky. It is the color of hope and anticipation of renewed life.


Our lives have changed and the world may never be the same. Let’s rejoice in new beginnings and embrace the change it brings.