
Nothing and Everything

After forty days of fasting and reflecting, we arrive at Easter. Jesus’ resurrection changed human experience. On Easter, we are invited to celebrate and live this mystery, but isn’t that what we do during Lent? Raise up from our old, dead self and never die again. 

Amazed and Afraid

It is no wonder that Peter and John stood in front of the empty tomb, amazed and afraid. How could they possibly understand what had happened? Never before in history had someone risen from the dead never to die again. In their finding nothing, they found everything and it changed their world. 

Our Dying

Easter celebrations last year were cancelled due to the Covid pandemic. Many of us got sick and people have died. Businesses closed, some forever; people lost their jobs, our economy has suffered and so have we. 

Our Living

In learning how to live a new kind of normal, we have changed. Change has come in the form of reaching out to help others and by sharing talents in order to bring some joy to the lives of a stranger. I can’t help but feel that some people have changed in less positive ways. Society is becoming tired of the restrictions, less tolerant and more aggressive. I recently wrote a set of reflections on the Stations of the Cross, which I shared on Tuesday mornings of Lent. They address our actions and choices as it corresponds with Jesus’ journey to death. 


You will find copies (English and German) in our Church. These reflections should not be limited to Lent but reflected on all year round. Jesus' suffering and glorious rise to life is a mystery and it changes everything.