Molded, Shape and Loved
The texts for the Third Sunday in Ordinary Time offer us an important message about our identity and mission as disciples of Jesus. Luke’s Gospel (Luke 1:1-4) gives an "orderly sequence" helping us understand the truth of Christ’s teachings. He then recounts the powerful moment when Jesus, after reading from the scroll of the prophet Isaiah, declares his mission in the synagogue in Nazareth.
The Body of Christ
In the second reading (1 Cor 12:12-30), St. Paul uses the metaphor of the human body to describe this mission. The Church, like a body, has many parts, each uniquely gifted and equally important. Paul reminds us that the Spirit strengthens us, shapes our talents and guides our purpose to fit with God’s plan. Whether we serve as hands, feet, eyes, or ears in the Body of Christ, our shared mission is to serve one another in love and unity. Together, these readings remind us of how the Spirit molds us over time. Like clay in the hands of a potter, we are shaped through joys, failures, trials, and acts of faith. The Spirit helps to improve our gifts, challenges us to grow, and strengthens us with love, so we may take our place in the Body of Christ.
Sharing Our Talents
Each of us has a unique story and special gifts. Many people are fortunate to have their gifts or talents recognized by others, while some wait for someone to see and nurture their potential. As a Spirit-led community, we are called not only to use our gifts but to help others discover and grow in theirs. May we open our eyes and hearts to the talents around us, encouraging and empowering one another to serve God and the communit