Loving One Another
In the Gospel for the Sixth Sunday of Easter (John 15:9-17), Jesus continues talking to his disciples. He tries to explain to them the depth of his love and he gives instructs on how they should love. Then he tells them that they are his friends. He reminds them that they did not choose him, he is the one who chose them. What he tells them about love are instructions for us today, “love one another as I love you”. The word love is used by Jesus nine times in this Gospel. The word «love» is sometimes overused. We love this and we love that, but how often do we really think about what it means to love?
Rules For Life
I remember all the rules we had when I was growing up. It was a long list of “dos” and “don’ts”. Back then I never thought to question the rules, we were taught to obey and my parents always had the last word. They didn’t give us rules for loving but they did teach us to treat others the way we want to be treated. This is the most important rule I teach when preparing students for the Sacrament of Reconciliation. If you practice love, it will be reflected in your behavior and have an influence on those around you. It is all a matter of decisions and choices. If we all follow the rules of love we will naturally want the best for others. The rule of Jesus’ love knows no boundaries and he didn’t give us a list of “dos” and “don’ts”. He simplysaid “love one another”. The decision of how much and in which way we love is our choice. Jesus put himself before others and this is the model he asks us to follow.
To love one another means to love without conditions and without a list of rules.
To love one another means to love without judgement or expectations. To love another means to love even those people who we think are undeserving and ungrateful. To love one another even means loving the people whom we don’t like. Jesus loved everyone. He laid down his life for us all.