
Bartimaeus: A Lesson in Compassion

Most of us are familiar with the story of Blind Bartimaeus (30th Sunday in Ordinary Time). Bartimaeus cries out to Jesus and the crowd tries to quiet him. He refuses to be brushed aside and calls out even louder. Jesus of course answers the call of the man and heals him. How can we use the message of this text in our lives today?

Silenced and Rejected

Many people in society are overlooked or even rejected. They are often faced with the silence that Bartimaeus experienced. In a society that values youth, productivity, and speed, it can be easy to overlook the wisdom and experience that come with age. Like Bartimaeus, many elderly people feel as though their voices no longer matter. They are sometimes brushed aside and their years of experience forgotten. But Jesus teaches us something different. He doesn’t walk past Bartimaeus or dismiss his cries as unimportant. Instead, He listens. He stops. He values Bartimaeus’ voice and gives him the attention he deserves.

The Beauty of Age

Jesus reminds us that every person is worthy of respect and dignity. Our elderly community members have a lifetime of wisdom and they offer us a connection to the past and to traditions. To dismiss them is to lose something valuable, something that enriches our own lives and faith journey. Whether they are in our families, our parishes, or our wider communities, let us honor our senior citizens of today, respect their years and listen to their voice. Their wisdom and stories are gifts to be cherished. When we show simple acts of kindness to each other, by listening to one another, we follow in the footsteps of Christ who reminds us that every person, young or old, has a place in God’s kingdom and a voice that deserves to be heard.